Tech Career transition: your bridge to the future


Our career coaching program is your gateway to a successful career change, offering strategic advice, skill-building sessions, and practical career training. This program is meticulously designed to guide aspiring individuals in pivoting towards a rewarding career in the tech industry. Leveraging your existing skill set, we match you with the role you are naturally inclined towards - be it Data Scientist, UX Designer, marketing analyst or any other burgeoning role in the tech space.


Are you ready to transform aspirations into reality? With guidance at each step, your journey towards a thriving tech career is not just a possibility, but a guarantee. Reach out and let's build your tech future, today.


Simple Steps to Success

Our Approach


Skill Assessment

We commence with a thorough analysis of your current skills and strengths, deciphering areas where you naturally excel. 


Career Mapping

Book Mock Interview service and upload your resume along with target company name (s) and role.


Individualized Guidance

Our experts provide personalized advice, helping you understand the nuances of the selected career path and how to traverse it successfully.


Frequently Asked Questions

SolveCatch22's coach boasts a distinguished career, having worked at renowned tech companies such as Amazon and various Silicon Valley startups. Serving as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California (USC), he holds dual master's degrees from a prestigious US university. His extensive experience in the upper echelons of top tech firms equips him with in-depth insights into every aspect of the interview process, from initial resume screening to securing the final job offer. He is committed to providing hands-on mentorship and tailored strategies to help individuals land their dream roles.

a certified pathway to fast-forward your tech career ambitions

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