Resume Review

Expert Resume Reviews You Can Trust

Real Reviews by Real Product Manager

In the rapidly evolving job market, standing out has become more important than ever. When you choose our resume review service, you aren't getting an automated, machine-generated analysis. Instead, your resume will be reviewed by a real product/hiring manager who has been where you are and has successfully navigated the hiring landscape time and time again.

Why Choose Our Expert Reviewers:
  • Experienced Product/Hiring Managers: Our reviewers are not just experts in their field; they have substantial experience in hiring and know exactly what top companies are looking for in potential candidates.
  • Personalized Feedback: We believe that every individual is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t cut it. Our reviews are tailored to your background, skills, and career aspirations, helping to accentuate your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses.
  • Human Touch: Machines can't understand the nuances of your journey, the stories behind your experiences, and the transferable skills you might have. Our product managers delve deep into your profile to provide reviews grounded in understanding and empathy, setting you up for success in the competitive job market.

Choose a resume review service that sees you as a person, not a set of algorithms. Choose us for reviews that are real, insightful, and tuned into the demands of today’s job market.


Simple Steps to Success

How it works?


Book a coach

 Book a 45 minute resume review session with the coach.



Email your current resume in pdf format at


Meet and get the feedback

Meet with your coach via zoom meeting. Your coach will meticulously analyze each section of your content, refining it to capture the attention of hiring managers and increase your chances of landing more interviews.


Frequently asked questions

SolveCatch22's coach boasts a distinguished career, having worked at renowned tech companies such as Amazon and various Silicon Valley startups. Serving as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California (USC), he holds dual master's degrees from a prestigious US university. His extensive experience in the upper echelons of top tech firms equips him with in-depth insights into every aspect of the interview process, from initial resume screening to securing the final job offer. He is committed to providing hands-on mentorship and tailored strategies to help individuals land their dream roles.